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Buckwheat-based fasting day options: with apples, kefir, cottage cheese, cucumbers and other products

  • Effects on the body
  • Potential risks
  • Recommendations
  • Recipes
  • Options with additional products

If you need to lose a couple of kilograms urgently before some significant event and you do not have time, you can have a buckwheat fasting day. It is a rather strict but effective fasting. The permitted dishes do not differ in special taste qualities — but it will be very pleasant to see the weight minus 1-1.5 kg the next morning.

Effects on the body

If you spend the buckwheat fasting day correctly, enduring it to the end, you can start very important processes for weight loss in the body:

  • the dietary fiber and carbohydrates contained in buckwheat, getting into the stomach, are broken down slowly, the body spends a lot of energy on their digestion;
  • the feeling of satiety remains for a long time even after a small portion;
  • fibers remove all the waste from the body, starting with slag and ending with excess fluid, which improves the functioning of many organs;
  • the body receives a lot of nutrients — vitamins and minerals, contained in large quantities in buckwheat groats;
  • digestion is normalized and metabolism is accelerated.

As a result, you can lose from 300 g to 1.5 kg in weight. At the same time, you will feel lightness throughout the body and get rid of heaviness in the stomach.

Origin of the name. The etymology of the word “buckwheat” is very transparent: the Greeks introduced the Russians to this cereal in the distant 10th century.

Potential risks

Despite the effectiveness of fasting days, they are quite dangerous, as they are strict and limited in diet. Before such weight loss, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and take into account all possible consequences in order to avoid complications in the future.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • menopause;
  • breastfeeding;
  • menstruation;
  • improper metabolism;
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal, hepatic failure;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis.

In addition to these diseases, buckwheat fasting days are contraindicated during exams, competitions, and in those cases when work is associated with increased intellectual and physical activity.

Side effects:

  • stomach pain;
  • hypotension;
  • headache;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • decreased performance, reaction, concentration, rapid fatigue, weakness;
  • irritability, apathy, sudden mood swings;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • sugar cravings;
  • worsening of complexion.

If the symptoms of side effects persist and worsen, weight loss is interrupted: eat something nutritious and choose another way to cleanse the body.

Be careful. Fasting days have a negative impact on the emotional background of those losing weight. Irritability increases towards evening, and concentration decreases. Against the background of rapid fatigue due to lack of glucose and protein, this leads to frequent breakdowns if not on the same day, then the next, which negates all the results achieved with such difficulty.


In order for the fasting to be not only effective, but also beneficial for the body, use the advice of specialists.

  1. Buckwheat fasting day is a rather extreme way to lose weight. To minimize the health risks, consult with your family doctor beforehand about contraindications.
  2. Try to get enough sleep on the eve: this will at least postpone the moment of increasing drowsiness and weakness due to lack of glucose.
  3. In addition, the day before fasting, prepare the stomach for a change in diet. Eliminate all harmful products from it in advance, reduce the portion sizes if possible, do not indulge in snacks.
  4. The daily volume of buckwheat is no more than 500 g. You can eat it by the hour, you can be guided by the feeling of hunger.
  5. No salt, sugar or spices.
  6. Are you afraid of not enduring the mono-fasting due to the bland taste of unsalted and practically raw cereals? Supplement it with one of the low-calorie foods: fruits (except persimmons, mangoes, bananas and grapes), vegetables (excluding potatoes and corn), rice, low-fat dairy products, dried fruits.
  7. Permitted drinks: low-fat kefir and unsweetened green tea.
  8. Do not bring the body, which is already in a state of stress or shock, to training, jogging and other physical activities. This should be a day off in your schedule from everything — from work, gym and nervous shocks. The only thing you can afford is an evening walk, a trip to the store, or a not very tiring cleaning around the house.
  9. Drink as much water as possible during the fasting day.
  10. If you feel an attack of hunger and dizziness, do not bring yourself to fainting. Drink a cup of green tea with a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon. The drink will give you vigor and at the same time will not interfere with the process of losing weight, but will only spur it on with its thermogenic effect.
  11. Ensure a smooth exit for the body from such a strict fast: do not pounce on food the next day. Exclude harmful products from the diet, portions should be small.
  12. The buckwheat fasting day can be repeated only after 2 weeks. It is not recommended to arrange such fasting more than 2 times a month.

Adhere to these rules and they will help you spend this day with maximum benefit, and the recipes below will make it easier to choose the menu for it.


  • Steamed

In the evening, brew 200 g of cereal with 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 6-8 hours in a thermos. If you steam buckwheat in a simple saucepan, do not forget to wrap it in a towel beforehand. The volume obtained in the morning should be divided into several equal portions and eaten throughout the day. This recipe is considered the most effective for weight loss. It is recommended for all buckwheat diets.

  • Sprouted

Nowadays, green buckwheat, which can be sprouted at home, is becoming more and more popular. Such cereals contain much more useful vitamins and microelements. Live grain can be purchased in vegetarian sections or health food stores.

A glass of cereal is poured onto a baking sheet, evenly distributed over it in a thin layer. Poured with a glass of water at room temperature. As a result, the grains should be moistened, but do not allow them to be completely immersed in the liquid. Cover with gauze on top and water it regularly with water throughout the day. After 3-4 days, you will have your own buckwheat field. Then you cook the groats according to the previous recipe.

  • On water

This is a regular porridge on water. This recipe should be used for fasting day if you cannot eat sprouted or steamed cereals. Pour 200 g of buckwheat with 300 ml of boiling water. Cook after boiling for no more than 15 minutes.

  • On milk

For true gourmets who cannot live without delicious dishes, losing weight on buckwheat porridge with milk is allowed. For its correct preparation, 200 g of cereal is poured with 400 ml of water. Bring to

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