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Apples for Weight Loss: Can You Eat Them at Night and Do They Really Help You Lose Weight?

  • Why it’s so Popular
  • Content of Useful Substances
  • Things to Know
  • Limitations
  • Recipes

For many of us any diet is associated with a complete loss of pleasure from eating. Especially if you plan to turn your excess weight into its absence. Are you ready to reshape your idea and get acquainted with the diet that has been increasingly popular in recent years?

Why it’s so Popular

Apple trees grow almost everywhere, from subtropics to regions with quite harsh climate. It’s a very widespread and affordable fruit all year long, which has dozens of main varieties.

It’s difficult to say when dietitians first started to recommend apples for weight loss. Their useful properties have been discovered a long time ago (just remember ancient tales). Famous Russian and Soviet scientists – S.P. Botkin, A.G. Zakharin, A.L. Myasnikov, G.F. Lang – highly recommended dishes and drinks with them for the general healing of the body.

Note. Exercise causes incredible hunger? Try eating an apple after your workout in the gym, dancing or other active sports. This will help you deal with the hunger feeling and at the same time it won’t create a serious load on your exhausted body.

Content of Useful Substances

97% of apple content is carbohydrates, 2% is proteins, 1% is fats. It’s a product with a low glycemic index: 30 for the whole fruit and 40 for the juice. It contains eight times more iodine than bananas, and thirteen times more than oranges. Plus the key vitamins – A, groups B, C, E, K and important minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, fluorine. As well as:

  • fruit acids (malic, tartaric, citric, tartronic);
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols.

The latter organic compounds are known to reduce absorption of cholesterol into the blood.

Do apples aid in weight loss? Don’t get your hopes up too high. If large portions of fried, fatty dishes, fast-food, multi-colored fizzy drinks and endless cookies-cakes-buns literally “live” in your ration, don’t expect to have a normal weight and a graceful figure.

Which apples are better for weight loss? The answer to this and other questions – further on.

Things to Know

Read the main questions and answers to them very attentively. This knowledge will help you achieve maximum benefit.

What’s the good of losing weight with the help of an apple diet?

The fiber in the flesh and skin has a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Fruit acids effectively fight fat deposits. Add to this low calorie content combined with nutrition and pleasant taste – you get an excellent product for intermissions and “emergency” meals.

Is the color of the skin important?

It’s considered that green apples are preferable for losing weight, as they contain more acids that burn fat deposits. There is a small limitation, which will be discussed further. And if you especially like red fruits or with yellow skin, then use them.

Can you eat many apples?

Here different factors are important: are you eating some other products for weight loss (e.g ginger as well), how much do you plan to lose weight, how fast you want to do it. In general, everyone has their own “many”. So a full-fledged answer will be shaped through practice. If you have obvious signs of indigestion, then the number of apples eaten during the day is certainly too high.

Are dried apples useful for weight loss?

Properly prepared fruits retain all the main vitamins and minerals. Besides, they are stored for a long time. Just be attentive when buying them. It’s better not to buy dried fruits that are too dry, the pieces of which are literally petrified or crumble in fingers. The slices should be resilient. It’s also important to remember that dried fruits have more calories.

Can you eat apples in the evening?

There are many jokes about lovers of evening and/or night raids on the fridge. And all conscientious fighters with excess weight are insistently recommended not to eat at all after six p.m. And if a hard working day, a tiring journey home, and, besides, gym or swimming pool are behind? The feeling of hunger can be overwhelming.

In such situations you can have an apple for dinner. Just make sure your body approves. If the night visits to the toilet become more frequent, it’s better to choose something else for dinner.

Debunking myths. It’s considered that an apple before bedtime can easily replace your toothbrush. And indeed, this fruit, like carrots, is great for getting rid of plaque. However, fruit acids and sugar damage tooth enamel. The conclusion: ate an apple at night – brush your teeth!

“Apple” morning: yes or no?

A definite yes, unless it’s the only thing you prepare for breakfast. The morning meal is the most important one, it simply has to be a full-fledged one. And an apple on an empty stomach will help with it: it will start a high-quality digestive process, will give the body a portion of vitamins/minerals, and also won’t let you overeat.


There are practically no contraindications in an apple diet. You only need to use extra caution in two cases.

Have you been diagnosed with stomach diseases with increased acidity of gastric juice? Perhaps, any sour fruits aren’t for you, try to buy sweet ones. If you still got sour ones – assess how significant the benefits of baked apples can be for weight loss. Just be sure to cut out the core.

But for people with low acidity of gastric juice the double benefit of green apples for weight loss is undoubted. In such cases sour varieties are recommended for maximum improvement of digestion.

Be attentive. In case of any digestion problems an apple diet has to be discussed with a doctor beforehand.


Dietary dishes from apples are an extensive domain of cooking. Here are several main recipes.

  • Salad of apples, beetroots and carrots

This is a real body detox master. Take a big apple and vegetables (it’s better not to cook them, it will be more useful) – medium-sized ones. If you are categorically not in the mood to eat raw beetroot, boil it. Peel the fruits and vegetables into a grater, dress with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

You can read about these remarkable vegetables that help lose extra kilograms in our articles: “Losing weight with help of beetroots” and “Carrots for weight loss”.

  • Soaked apples

Today they’ve become a practically forgotten product. But completely undeservedly: they taste great, and they are stored for a long time. If you have roomy glass jars with a wide neck and suitable plastic lids in your household, then try the following recipe:

  1. Put clean, undamaged apples into soda-washed and scalded with boiling water jars, interleaving them with twigs with leaves of mint, raspberry, blackcurrant, lemon balm, and cherry.
  2. The top layer – leaves, they should lie tight.
  3. Pour in dry mustard (not more than a table spoon).
  4. You’ll need a filling. For 1 liter of water 15 grams of table salt and 25 grams of sugar. Salt is dissolved in warm water, sugar – in cold. Carefully pour
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