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Green Tea as an Effective Weight Loss Supplement: Best Types and Working Recipes

  • Mechanism of weight loss
  • Contraindications
  • Ways of losing weight
  • Recommendations
  • Proven effective varieties
  • Recipes
  • Questions and answers

Green tea is recognized as a health food number one. Nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for losing weight; doctors warn of the dangerous consequences of its frequent use. This tea is credited with both relaxing and invigorating properties. It contains many tannins (including tea caffeine tannin), alkaloids, amino acids, and vitamins. Unlike black varieties, in production it does not undergo fermentation – this is its main valuable feature, which allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients.

To this day, in scientific circles and among users, there is a debate about whether green tea will help you lose weight whether there will be an effect from it, or whether it’s better to find some other way. We will deal with this issue.

Mechanism of weight loss

It should be recognized that green tea really helps you lose weight – this is a fact. But it’s not a magic wand, a potent dietary product for mono-diets, but rather a great helper that accelerates the process of burning fat when combined with other weight loss systems.

If you combine the use of this miraculous drink with any diet (low-carb, protein, etc.) or active physical activity, it will have a good effect. And this happens due to the chemical composition of this drink of the gods, as it is called in China.

Here are the properties of green tea for weight loss:

  • accelerates metabolism;
  • has a diuretic effect, removing excess fluid from the body;
  • polyphenols stimulate heat transfer in the body, burning accumulated fats;
  • decreases blood sugar, which suppresses hunger. This is a very valuable property for losing weight, which is why it is recommended to drink the drink half an hour before a meal so that at lunch or dinner you eat less than usual. It also helps to control appetite during the diet;
  • improves overall well-being. It has been noted that any diet can cause dizziness and nausea, which will not happen if you use this drink;
  • improves mood, which allows you to endure even the most severe hunger strikes, which often lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

Those who do not believe in the effectiveness of green tea for losing weight can be introduced to the results of such studies: if you drink up to 6 cups of this drink per day during the week, the volume of burned fat will increase by 45%. This means that you can finally adjust your figure, getting rid of the hated folds of fat on your stomach and other parts of your body. But all this is possible only on condition that your body will adequately take the onslaught of this miraculous drink.

Interesting fact. There are more than 300 different chemical compounds in green tea leaves, most of which are still unknown to science. It is rather difficult to study them, as they are constantly changing and depend on the age of the tea bush, the season during which the raw materials were harvested, the processing method and storage conditions.


Despite the fact that the benefits of green tea for losing weight are undeniable (with the right approach), it can also be harmful and even toxic. This can happen in two cases.

Firstly, if you ignore the contraindications to its frequent use. Secondly, if you regularly consume a drink that was brewed more than 6 hours ago. Harmful phenolic compounds are formed in it, which can lead to poisoning.

Contraindications for use are:

  • any heart problems that can not withstand such an amount of caffeine and tannin in a diseased state;
  • tendency to urolithiasis;
  • old age;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, erosion of the stomach, gastritis;
  • high body temperature;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gout;
  • glaucoma.

Very often, diets are accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. And here green tea will also have a negative effect. Ultimately, this can lead to perforated ulcer and hospital bed. Large amounts of the drink can cause tachycardia, and tingling in the heart. So this elixir has both pros and cons for losing weight, which you need to objectively weigh before embarking on such starvation diets. In order not to bring yourself to exhaustion or ill health, it is very important to choose the right scheme for its use.

Unfortunately. Green tea puts a very strong load on the heart, which is unacceptable for a sick one. Therefore, experimenting with this method of losing weight is contraindicated for everyone who has or has had cardiovascular problems.

Ways of losing weight

There are several ways of losing weight with green tea. And here it is very important to choose the best option for your body, so as not to harm it.

If you just need to slightly adjust the figure and get rid of a couple of extra pounds for this, one fasting day will be enough. If you need more impressive results, you won’t be able to do without a weekly diet. And for those suffering from obesity, nutritionists recommend drinking biologically active additives from green tea extract.

  • Fasting day

If you urgently need to lose weight by tomorrow, arrange a fasting day on green tea. To do this, you need to drink this fragrant drink in portions throughout the day. In total, the daily volume should be about a liter. In this case, be sure to drink plenty of clean water in between.

For breakfast, you can eat a piece of whole grain bread, for lunch – a small cucumber without salt, and for dinner – an apple. Since at night it is not recommended to drink green tea, it can be replaced with low-fat kefir.

  • Diet

There is also a full-fledged diet based on green tea. It is designed to be an integral part of hunger strikes. There are several schemes for drinking the drink for these purposes:

– drink a cup half an hour before each meal to suppress hunger and avoid overeating;
– drink after eating (after 15 minutes) to improve digestion and break down fats;
– drinking in between meals.

Different diets suggest different dosages: from 3 cups (minimum) to 1.5 liters (which is a lot) per day. It is recommended to start with a small volume in order to understand how the body reacts to the drink. Gradually, every day, if there are no side effects, the portions can be increased.

  • Dietary extract

If you have purchased the extract in capsules, then this is a biologically active additive. Therefore, it is best to drink it with food. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets per day. The course of weight loss is a month. But the dosage and duration of the diet may vary depending on the manufacturer.

For such drugs, contact companies such as Evalar, Source Naturals, Country Life, MyProtein, and others.

Dietary supplement of green tea

In order for the properties of green tea for weight loss to be fully revealed, it should be consumed very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

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