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Green tea is considered as eco-product number 1. Nutritionists recommend to use it actively for weight loss, doctors warn about dangerous consequences of the frequent use. It is believed that this tea possesses calming and bracing properties at the same time. The composition included many tannins (including theine containing caffeine) and alkaloids, amino acids, vitamins. Unlike the black tea, it does not pass the fermentation process in the course of the production and this is its main valuable property promoting preservation of maximum quantity of useful substances in it.
Till nowadays there are disputes both in scientific society and among users concerning the following: is it possible to lose weight with the help of green tea, whether it will have any effect or it is better to choose some other method. We will consider this question in more details.
Weight Loss Mechanism
We should acknowledge that green tea does promote weight loss – it is a fact. But it is not a panacea and a powerful dietary product, which will be suitable for mono-diets – it is just a perfect auxiliary tool, with the help of which against the background of other systems of weight loss the process of fat burning is accelerated.
Combination of this magic drink with any diet (low-carb, protein and so on) or intensive physical activities will provide a good result. And all thanks to the chemical structure of this divine elixir of life as it is called in China.
Here is how green tea promotes weight loss:
- accelerates a metabolism;
- possesses a diuretic effect, removing excess fluid from the body;
- polyphenols activate body heat exchange, utilizing fat reserves;
- reduces the level of blood sugar that results in suppressing of hunger – very useful property while losing weight: that is why it is recommended to drink this beverage half an hour before the meal in order to eat less than usual during the lunch or dinner, it also helps to reduce the appetite while dieting;
- improves a general health condition: as it is known, any diet may cause dizziness and nausea, but it will not happen if you use this beverage;
- improves the mood, which allows resisting even the most severe hunger strike which often result in nervous breakdowns and depression.
Those who do not believe in the effectiveness of green tea for weight loss may get acquainted with the results of this research: with daily consumption of up to 6 cups of this beverage a week the volume of burnt fat will increase by 45%. It means that you will be able to improve your figure, having got rid of ugly folds on you tummy and other parts of the body. But all of this is possible only in case if your body may stand such a portion of this miraculous beverage.
Interesting fact. The green tea leaf contains more than 300 various chemical connections, the most of which are still unknown to the science. It is difficult to study them, as they are constantly changing and depend on such factors as age of the tea bush, season when the raw material was gathered, processing and storage conditions.
In spite of the obvious usefulness of green tea for weight loss (if to follow the correct approach) it also may be harmful and even toxic. It occurs in two cases.
Firstly, in case if you ignore contraindications for its active use. Secondly, in case if you regularly consume the beverage made of leaves that have been brewed for more than 6 hours. Harmful phenolic connections accumulate in it, which may result in intoxication.
Contraindications for use:
- any cardiovascular diseases, which in case of the disease will not withstand such amount of caffeine and tannins;
- propensity to kidney-stones formation;
- old age;
- gastric ulcer exacerbation, gastric erosion, gastritis;
- high body temperature;
- expressed arrhythmia;
- sleep disorders;
- increased arterial pressure;
- gout;
- glaucoma.
Very often diets are accompanied with frustration of gastrointestinal tract. And in this case green tea will also have negative impact on it. As a result it may cause the following: perforated ulcer and hospital bed. In case of a large amount of consumed beverage there may appear tachycardia and stinging sensation in the region of heart.
So, this elixir possesses both pros and cons for weight loss, which should be estimated objectively before you decide to starve yourself in such a way. In order to avoid exhaustion or a painful state, it is very important to choose the correct application scheme.
Unfortunately. Green tea makes very serious load on the heart, which is inadmissible for its diseases. That is why it is not worth experimenting with this method of weight loss for those who have cardiovascular system problems.
Weight Loss Methods
Methods of weight loss with the help of green tea may be various. And here it is very important to choose the most suitable variant for your body in order not to harm it.
If you need just a small correction of your figure and get rid of a couple of kilos, one fasting day will be enough. In case if you need more impressive result you will need a one-week diet. And for those who suffer from obesity nutritionists recommend to use dietary supplements with green tea extract.
- Fasting day
If you urgently need to lose weight till tomorrow, arrange a fasting day on green tea. For this purpose during the whole day you will need to drink portioned cups of this fragrant beverage. In total, its daily volume should comprise approximately a liter. At the same time in between the tea it is strictly necessary to drink clean water.
For breakfast you may eat a slice of coarse bread, for lunch – a small fresh cucumber, for dinner – an apple. Since it is not recommended to drink green tea in the evening, it may be replaced with low-fat kefir.
- Diet
There is the elaborated green tea diet. It implies support of hunger strike with its help. There exist various beverage application schemes for this purpose:
– drink a cup in half an hour before each meal, in order to satisfy the hunger and not to overeat;
– drink after the meal (in 15 minutes) in order to activate digestion and split fats;
– between the meal.
Various diets imply various dosages: from 3 glasses (this is the minimum) up to 1.5 liters (this is rather a lot) a day. It is recommended to start with a small amount in order to see the reaction of your body to the beverage. Gradually with each passing day in case of absence of side effects the portions may be increased.
- Extract from drugstore
If you purchased extract in capsules, it is already considered as dietary supplement. That is why it is better to use it during one of the meals. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets a day. The course of weight loss is one month. Though various manufacturers may have various dosages and duration of the course.
Look for similar products from such companies as Evalar, Source Naturals, Country Life, MyProtein and others.
Drugstore Extract of Green Tea
In order for the properties of the green tea to be shown in full glory while losing weight it should be consumed very correctly, in order not to harm your body. Any of the above methods may result in a good result: fasting day -2 kg, diet (depending on the food restrictions) -3-5 kg, pills -7 kg.