**Prunes for Slimming**
As nutritionists’ studies proved, eating just 5 prunes per day helps to normalize digestion. 10 prunes prevent osteoporosis and increase bone density. If you decide to fix a fasting day and eat 30 prunes, your intestines will be cleansed of toxins and waste products at night, and in the morning you may lose 2-3 kg. Despite the fact that these dried fruits are quite caloric (231 kcal per 100 grams), they have a strong laxative effect, hence are the main ingredient of many diets and weight loss systems. Moreover, the low glycemic index (only 29 units) contributes to weight loss.
However, when slimming, you need to monitor the consumption of prunes. Their excessive use can greatly weaken the intestines, and then you will have to restore the work of the digestive tract with the help of medications for several days.
**Mechanism of Slimming**
Prunes have laxative, diuretic, and choleretic effects. They cleanse the intestines not only from food waste products but also help the bile ducts to get rid of waste products, thus improving the functioning of your liver. In addition, prunes accelerate the regeneration of red blood cells, which leads to an increase in metabolic activity, including lipolysis. As a result, fat is burned more actively, but only if the diet is correct and physical activity is increased.
Fluid accumulation in body tissues leads to edema and excess weight. Prunes fight both, as they are a natural diuretic.
In addition, during the period of weight loss, prunes provide your body with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Among them, potassium plays a special role. It facilitates the work of the cardiovascular system and makes the metabolism fast and uninterrupted. Doctors specifically emphasize the importance of sufficient potassium intake for successful weight loss.
Understanding the multifaceted benefits of prunes, you do not have to resort to laxatives and diuretics for detoxification of the body. It will be enough for you to eat 30 prunes during a fasting day for effective weight loss. For a more lasting result, include prunes in your regular diet.
By the way, prunes contain more potassium than apples, which are often considered the main source of this macroelement.
By incorporating prunes into your weight loss program, you improve the work of many organs and systems at the same time. Prunes have been used as a medicine in folk medicine for centuries to treat various diseases. Here are some more beneficial properties of prunes that you will receive:
* normalization of digestion
* strengthening bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
* elimination of constipation
* strengthening and increasing the elasticity of blood vessel walls, strengthening of the heart muscle, normalization of the heart rhythm, reduction of the risk of heart attacks and strokes
* reduction of edema, improvement of kidney functioning, removal of sand and harmful substances from kidneys
* improvement of vision
* replenishment of vitamin and micronutrient reserves, prevention of vitamin deficiency
* reduction of the incidence of colds, since prunes have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
* slowing down aging processes due to the presence of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals
* strengthening immunity
* normalization of the nervous system, reducing the negative effects of stress, eliminating nervousness, irritability, and insomnia
All these beneficial properties are due to the components that make up prunes,