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Цикорий для похудения: достойная альтернатива кофе, которая впишется в любую диету

At the beginning of the 19th century, France experienced a continental blockade. Having been deprived of conventional imported products, France began searching for their analogues. Instead of tonic aromatic coffee from Brazil, a cheaper, more useful, no less tonic, and refreshing drink appeared — chicory. It quickly became widespread at first in Europe, and then around the globe. Up to 75% of the dry plant root contains inulin — an active substance, which is unusually useful for a human organism.

Nutritionists persistently recommend using chicory for weight loss as a replacement for ordinary coffee during a diet. Low-calorie, useful, and tasty, this plant has a complex of advantages allowing for effective and safe weight loss.

Mechanism of losing weight

Chicory is a real treasury of biologically active substances. In addition to inulin, its roots and leaves contain proteins, glycosides, vitamins (B1, B2, C, A), tannins, organic acids, bitter substances, micro-, and macronutrients, essential oils. Such a rich chemical composition allows using it for weight loss. With regular and correct use, it launches processes in the body leading to a decrease in weight:

  • the energy from food is not deposited as fats but is spent on increasing efficiency (from here comes the invigorating effect);
  • moreover, upon entering into a chemical reaction with gastric juice, inulin turns into fructose, which is also a source of useful energy and does not lead to the accumulation of fat tissue;
  • the metabolism increases to the necessary level, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism normalize, lipolysis activates, fat burning intensifies;
  • toxins and slags are successfully excreted from the body — the intestines are cleaned (as in the case of fiber intake);
  • extra liquid is excreted from tissues (diuretic effect);
  • inulin prevents glucose that came with food from increasing the insulin level — due to this, the absorption of harmful carbohydrates into the blood slows down;
  • the risk of uncontrolled overeating decreases thanks to normalization of the nervous system.

The advantages of chicory for losing weight do not end there. It is a low-calorie drink that can be included in any diet without fear since it contains approximately 11 kcal per 100 ml. Despite this, its invigorating effect is provided for the whole day which is especially appreciated by those struggling with extra weight. Indeed, sometimes there is not enough energy to work out and burn as many calories as possible.

Paradox. According to official medicine, chicory increases appetite. Thus, doctors actively recommend it to patients during the period of recovery when they are weakened after a long and severe illness or serious surgical intervention. However, during weight loss diets, drinking it is strongly impractical since hunger is already exacerbated. But it is a “smart” plant. Getting into the body, inulin “recognizes” signals coming from the satiety center in the brain. If a person wants to eat, the plant somewhat dulls the feeling of hunger. If not — it stimulates it.

Benefits for health

Those who actively use chicory for losing weight notice a significant improvement in their general well-being. And it is not only about its tonic effect. This plant is officially recognized as a medicinal plant and is used in official medicine to treat various diseases. The rich chemical composition, mentioned above, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many internal organs. Here are just some of its medicinal properties:

  • it has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent effects;
  • decreases sweating;
  • improves digestion, reduces the risk of developing gastrointestinal tract cancer, normalizes intestinal microflora (inulin refers to prebiotics);
  • has a calming effect on the central nervous system, is prescribed for mild mental disorders;
  • normalizes the heart activity, decreases tachycardia;
  • facilitates bile secretion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • decreases cholesterol and sugar levels which improves the well-being of patients with diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens joints, alleviates arthritis, and rheumatism;
  • facilitates maximum absorption of vitamins and microelements;
  • relieves pain sensations (including reduction of migraines and menstrual pain);
  • cleanses the body from toxic, radioactive substances, and salts of heavy metals.

Thus, health improvement appears as a pleasant bonus to losing weight with chicory.

Interesting fact. The famous French writer Alexandre Dumas wrote in his “Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine” (1873) that chicory is one of the most valuable medicinal plants. In those days, salads from its leaves were the only food for patients after a long illness or surgery.

Possible harm

As any phytotherapeutic agent, chicory can be harmful under certain circumstances. Non-observance of contraindications or overdose can lead to disturbance of some body systems. Therefore, when losing weight, it is very important to consider these factors.


  • individual intolerance;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • kidney diseases;
  • hypotension;
  • anemia;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • childhood;
  • hemorrhoids, varicose veins, other serious problems with vessels;
  • bronchial asthma (increases cough);
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • mental disorders accompanied by increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • cholelithiasis (due to its choleretic effect, stones may start to cause discomfort).

Side effects:

  • formation of kidney stones (oxalates are contained in the root);
  • severe allergy in the form of skin rash (because of the high content of vitamin C);
  • a sharp increase in arterial pressure;
  • iron deficiency;
  • dyspeptic manifestations;
  • aggravation of some chronic diseases.

Considering quite a strong tonic effect of chicory and its complex chemical composition, it is necessary to use it for losing weight with great caution. In order to reduce the risk of side reactions and to avoid harm to health, it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.

Other names. Popular names of chicory: blue daisy, blue dandelion, succory, wild endive, wild chicory, and coffeeweed.

How to use

In order for losing weight to be efficient and fast, it is necessary to know how to use chicory.


At the peak of the season (the second half of summer), the root contains the maximum amount of inulin (up to 75%). An ideal option is to collect raw materials by yourself, dry it, grind it (for example, in a coffee grinder), and prepare a home drink. Add 1–2 tablespoons of the powder to a glass of hot water. You can simply brew it or stand it in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Drink warm, adding milk or any other ingredients to your taste.

The prepared powder can also be added as a peculiar seasoning with an unusual taste to low-calorie salads and soups, which are the basis of the diet. A slight tonic effect will still remain.

Some do not dry or grind raw materials, using it for weight loss the same way as parsley root or horseradish — stewing with vegetables, preparing broths, and other dishes on its basis.

Soluble chicory


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