- Health benefits
- List of contraindications
- Recommendations for use
- The best recipes
It would seem that modern women do not have any issue with losing a few extra pounds. Drugstores offer amazing multi-colored pills with ginkgo biloba, garcinia cambogia, guarana, and other exotic novelties. In gyms, there is always a coach with a stellar program that will transform you into a Hollywood beauty with a perfect figure in just a month. And the Internet, on thematic sites – there are hundreds of diets developed for any product you could wish for.
However, dietetics also has its classics, which for many years have shown excellent results with minimal cost. In particular, this includes honey water for weight loss – a drink you can make yourself in 5 minutes.
Good taste, no exotics in the composition, a lot of health benefits, convenient application, minimum side effects – it becomes clear that there is no point in swallowing pills and starving yourself to look slimmer.
Health benefits
Many doubt the effectiveness of honey water for weight loss and express skepticism about this amazing drink. How can you lose weight by consuming sweets? It turns out that by mixing these two common ingredients, we witness a unique chemical reaction that has recently become of interest to scientists.
The structure of water changes under the influence of honey. According to research, the resulting liquid is almost identical in composition to human blood plasma, which performs vital functions. So we supply our body with natural biological material – very valuable not only for weight loss, but also for overall health.
By regularly drinking a glass of warm (or room temperature) honey water in the morning, we start many processes that ultimately lead to a slim figure:
- self-cleaning of the body;
- improved digestion;
- acceleration of the gastrointestinal tract;
- activation of metabolism;
- natural bowel movement;
- nourishing tissues and organs with vitamins and minerals, which are abundant in honey, and purified water acts as a conductor and promotes their intensive and complete absorption;
- nourishment of brain cells, increasing activity in the morning – as a result, no fatigue or weakness throughout the day, which usually accompany all losing weight in the process of fasting;
- improving the properties of blood, which starts to circulate more actively with such a powerful boost, which means that it continuously and rapidly supplies organs and systems with nutrients;
- the destruction of bacteria, viruses, fungi – this fact does not directly relate to the process of losing weight, but, thanks to this, it is possible to perfectly strengthen the immune system, and obesity often affects people with a weak immune system.
In addition to all these beneficial properties that contribute to quite rapid weight loss, regular consumption of this drink greatly improves health. Laboratory studies have shown that it prevents the development of cancer and slows down the processes of cellular aging.
So honey water for weight loss is a real elixir of healthy life and eternal youth. The only question is whether you can use this product to achieve your goals. After all, it is so powerful in its effect on the body that there is a whole list of contraindications for its use.
Interesting fact. If you decide to lose weight with honey water and use a flower variety to prepare it, you automatically become an adherent of apitherapy. This is a separate, long-existing branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases with honey.
List of contraindications
At first glance, it may seem that honey water is so beneficial and harmless that you can drink it in any volume. However, this is an erroneous opinion, which can lead to sad consequences.
If you decide on such a method of losing weight, it is worth remembering about the unusual composition of the drink, which is the most identical to human blood plasma. If the body is saturated with it, and the organs in which there were previously problems in the work experience excessive stress under its influence, old diseases can worsen and new ailments may appear. So do not take honey water lightly.
It is not recommended to abuse it in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:
- allergic reactions to beekeeping products;
- asthma – not only bronchial, but also cardiac, i.e. any form of this disease;
- bronchitis;
- gastritis;
- hyperglycodermia;
- diathesis and many other skin diseases;
- bile stasis;
- stones in any organs – kidneys, gallbladder;
- myocarditis;
- many lung diseases: tuberculosis, heart attack (of this organ), emphysema, hemorrhage;
- pancreatitis;
- pneumosclerosis;
- heart defect – any, congenital and acquired;
- rheumatism;
- diabetes mellitus;
- cholecystitis;
- enterocolitis;
- ulcer – any: stomach and duodenum, chronic and exacerbated.
If you have decided to fight excess weight with the help of this product, you will first have to undergo an examination for the presence of contraindications. If you have any doubts about whether or not you can regularly take honey water for weight loss, it is better to consult with specialists.
Can’t take it internally? Try externally: “Honey bath for weight loss”.
Remember that this drink only seems so harmless at first glance. In fact, it gives the whole body a good shake-up, forcing it to work correctly and accurately, like clockwork. But compliance with contraindications is not the only condition for this. You also need to be able to use it.
Fun fact. Honey contains calcium, which is known for its ability to strengthen teeth. But this beneficial property is neutralized by acids contained in this product in large quantities. Constantly acting on the tooth enamel, they ruthlessly destroy it. Therefore, when losing weight on honey water, every time after drinking a glass, it makes sense to rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Recommendations for use
Not knowing how to drink honey water for weight loss, many fans of fasting and mono-diets begin to independently make up their own schemes for using this drink. On the Internet you can find recommendations to replace entire meals (breakfast or dinner) with this cocktail, drink it in 2 liters per day for a long time, etc.
All this is absurd, since the method of losing weight with the help of honey water is much simpler. But at the same time, the