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Тибетский чай для похудения: состав оригинального и домашнего напитка, как пить, результаты

  • Ancient wisdom to modern problems
  • Composition, properties, and applications
  • Contraindications
  • Analogues
  • Dispelling misconceptions

Weight loss seekers often resort to “lazy” methods promising the desired result without additional physical exertion or restrictions on favorite delicacies. There are plenty of such products, and a thorough study of their origin, properties, and contraindications will help you navigate the issue and choose the best solution.

Ancient wisdom to modern problems

It is a known fact that high-altitude regions of the Earth have specific climate conditions. Plants growing in these areas can be especially useful for health, especially in comparison with their lowland “counterparts”. People have known about these properties since ancient times and have created wonderful remedies based on this knowledge.


Tibetan tea for weight loss is rapidly gaining popularity. The first question that usually arises: is this really an innovation or just a fashionable trend?

Interesting fact: Tibetan medicine stands somewhat apart even among ancient oriental health practices. Its main principle is body cleansing. Some recipes are 2000 years old.

Looking for information about Tibetan tea, you may come across information about several products under this name. For example, there is a drink based on green tea with the addition of mint, rose hips, echinacea, and other herbs, including a plant called “haritaki”, also known in oriental medicine as the “king of all medicines”. The manufacturer promises that the use of this collection has a powerful healing effect on the body, accelerating metabolic processes and dissolving fatty deposits around the internal organs.

Another variation is Tibetan cleansing tea. It contains birch buds, immortelle, St. John’s wort, and chamomile. Its effect is similar to that of the previous collection: lipolytic, tonic, and metabolism-stimulating.

However, most often, those wishing to lose weight are interested in a specific product – Chang Shu Tibetan tea for weight loss, also known as purple tea.

Composition, properties, and applications

Manufacturers position Tibetan purple tea as a healing and wellness drink that improves digestion, strengthens blood vessels, removes “bad” cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune systems. Comprehensive healing leads to the expected weight loss. Indeed, in most cases, excessive fat accumulation is caused by metabolic disorders.

It is a one-component product. These are dried flowers of the chang shu plant – a specific high-altitude plant. The manufacturer claims that the raw materials are harvested exclusively by hand and only twice a year during a short period of time. The unique properties of the plant are explained by the fact that it grows in an area with a reduced oxygen content in the air.

Chemical composition:

  • Bioflavonoids and catechins strengthen the vascular system;
  • Vitamins have a restorative effect;
  • Methylxanthine regulates metabolism;
  • Caffeine and tannins have a tonic effect, relieve depression that sometimes occurs during weight loss;
  • Many amino acids contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system, improving cerebral circulation, and suppressing appetite.

How to drink Tibetan tea for weight loss?

According to the instructions, you need to brew four to seven flowers with a glass of hot (not boiling!) water. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then drink it immediately. Do this every morning and evening for three months. The positive effect becomes noticeable after about the fifth week, but only with regular use.


The manufacturer recommends that people who have previously experienced food or drug intolerance exercise caution. In such cases, you should start drinking tea from half or even a quarter of the recommended volume and monitor the body’s reaction. The same applies to people with low blood pressure. People with somatic diseases, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before taking the tea.



Undoubtedly, the recipe for Tibetan tea is unique. To find out which plants contain similar chemical components is possible only with extensive scientific research.

The only advice for those who do not have access to the original product is herbal preparations with similar effects: tonic, metabolic, and restorative. Drinks based on such collections are easy to prepare at home.

Take the following ingredients in equal proportions:

  • Rose hips;
  • Peppermint;
  • Nettle leaves;
  • Echinacea;
  • Chamomile flowers;
  • Lemongrass;
  • Immortelle.

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients thoroughly, if you prepare for future use, store in a dark place in a glass or porcelain container. Four tablespoons of the collection are enough for a standard teapot. It is recommended to completely replace the usual tea leaves with the resulting infusion, in approximately the same proportions and, of course, diluting with hot water.

Alternatively, you can try other teas:

  • Monastery
  • Hibiscus
  • Ginger

Dispelling misconceptions

Another important question: does purple tea really belong to the “lazy” methods of losing weight? No, this is a myth that has long been debunked.

Real lipolytic action in our body is achieved only by working muscles. Increasing physical activity gives every chance to get rid of body fat. To prevent it from returning, you should switch to a diet without refined fats and “empty” calories, for example, to a high-protein, high-vitamin diet.

Drinking Tibetan tea can enhance the effectiveness of diet and exercise, but nothing more. The endemic Tibetan herb will not promote weight loss if combined with an unhealthy diet and low physical activity.


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