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13 Ways to Do Unloading Cabbage Day: Choosing a Variety and a Method

  • Weight loss mechanism
  • Pros and cons
  • Contraindications
  • Recommendations
  • Options
  • Sample menus

When planning a one-day fast, there’s always a problem with choosing the main ingredient. One is very high in calories, another contains a lot of sugar, and the third doesn’t taste good.

If you’re plagued by such doubts, it’s best to listen to the advice of nutritionists, who have been saying that cabbage is ideal for such purposes. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

Weight loss mechanism

During the day, you should eat about 1.5-2 kilograms of this green vegetable on average. In such large quantities, it produces a small revolution in the body, which ultimately leads to weight loss:

  • due to the low calorie content of the vegetable, the body begins to use its own fat reserves;
  • the blood is purified;
  • the metabolism is accelerated;
  • the digestion is normalized.

These changes in the body are sufficient to reduce weight by even one day. How many kilograms are lost? According to reviews, you can lose 0.5-2 kilograms after a fasting day on cabbage. This spread is explained by the fact that the final result depends on the initial weight, the health condition of the person losing weight, and the chosen diet option.

Origin of the name. In ancient times, the word “cabbage” was borrowed by the Russian language from Latin, where “caput” was translated as “head”.

Pros and cons

A properly conducted cabbage fasting day shows all its positive aspects in all its glory. In addition to losing weight, you get a bonus of general health improvement and body cleansing. However, you need to consider the disadvantages of such fasting.


  • eases diseases of the joints, spine, helps with constipation, tumors, tuberculosis, etc.;
  • improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, thanks to vitamin A;
  • the organs are freed from slagging and begin to function fully;
  • digestion improves;
  • free radicals are blocked and can no longer cause harm (and it is they who are considered the culprits in the growth of tumors).


  • this vegetable is not a fat-burning product, so there is always a risk that due to a low-calorie diet the body will begin to use muscle mass, not fat deposits;
  • the lost kilograms return very quickly;
  • if proper nutrition is not maintained in the following days, the metabolism will slow down again – and fat will still begin to break down in the most unnecessary places;
  • decreased performance, drowsiness and apathy appear – these are the most frequent side effects of such a low-calorie fasting day;
  • migraine, flatulence, colic, indigestion, rumbling and fermentation in the abdomen can also be observed;
  • there is a risk of dehydration;
  • some cabbage dishes can have a laxative effect (e.g. soup or juice);
  • feeling of hunger is a constant companion of such diets;
  • dishes become boring very quickly.

There are always nuances in different fasting days, which are best known in advance in order to prepare for such tests morally and physically.


Cabbage fasting days should not be used for weight loss if the following contraindications are present:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastrointestinal problems, including increased stomach acidity and inflammatory bowel disease;
  • kidney disease, liver;
  • heart pathologies;
  • lactation;
  • obesity;
  • flatulence;
  • age after 55 years.

Since a lot of cabbage will have to be eaten during the day, it can cause an exacerbation of these diseases and subsequently lead to serious complications.

From the world – on a string. Scientists are still arguing where the vegetable was first grown as a garden plant suitable for food. Among the most reliable options are Georgia, Greece and Italy.


Despite the list of contraindications and numerous side effects, fasting on this product is worth experiencing its cleansing and dietary properties. But at the same time, try to organize everything correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

  1. The maximum weight loss results can be achieved with a mono-diet, when you have to eat only one cabbage (you can combine different varieties) during the entire fasting day. You can lose up to 1.5 kilograms.
  2. If the neutral, almost bland taste of the vegetable constantly provokes you to break down from the hunger strike, it’s okay if you supplement your diet with other products – equally low in calories, but more delicious.
  3. When compiling a menu in this case, be sure to consider the compatibility of the head with other products. It goes well with lean meat (chicken breast), fats (olive oil), bread, herbs and fruits. But he is not friends with dairy products.
  4. Despite such recommendations, you need to be very careful with oil. When adding it to salad, be sure to calculate the calorie content of the resulting dish. If it fits within the daily norm of 1200 kcal, you can indulge yourself with this delicacy once a day.
  5. Keep in mind that sauerkraut contains a lot of acids and can irritate the stomach lining. Braised often causes nausea. Therefore, experts recommend still organizing fasting days on fresh vegetables.
  6. Exhausting workouts here will not speed up the necessary weight loss process, but will only harm, exhausting the body even more.
  7. Such a nutritional system can be a great preparation for entering any other, longer-term diet.

And don’t forget the correct, gradual way out of such a hunger strike. Try to eat fractionally after it.


Depending on the type

  • Marine

The ideal fasting day is on kelp, which contains 49 kcal. It removes excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, accelerates metabolic processes, and improves digestion. It is recommended to use fresh kelp, not canned or dried. It is forbidden to arrange such a hunger strike with hyperthyroidism.

  • Colored

Some people prefer to lose weight on cauliflower, which contains only 30 kcal. But this fasting day is not very popular due to the bland taste of this variety. In fact, it is very beneficial for both overall health and weight loss in particular. It normalizes the stomach and speeds up metabolism.

  • Peking

For a change, you can organize hunger strikes on Chinese cabbage (16 kcal). It has many advantages over other varieties. It is the lowest calorie of all. Very delicious salads are made from it. It contains a lot of water, so it has a noticeable diuretic effect. It is also the only cabbage that is not contraindicated for ulcer patients. In China, it is even used to treat this disease. It is recommended to eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day.

  • Brussels

Losing weight on Brussels sprouts (35 kcal) is not chosen by everyone because of its specific taste, which takes some getting used to. It is best in stews and in combination with other vegetables.

Depending on the cooking method

  • Fresh

It is best to starve on fresh cabbage (25 kcal), as it retains the entire volume of vitamins and other active substances contained in it, which are useful for the body. The absence of heat treatment has many advantages. For example, when hunger strikes, you can walk around and crunch on a cabbage leaf, deceiving your own stomach, filling it with plant fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness.

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